Get the facts before you decide on a plan. Medicare Advantage plans have certain limits and restrictions that may affect your ability to get the care you need.
At Delhi Hospital & Clinics, we have a special bond with our patients and community that is held together by trust and personalized relationships. Inside our doors, you will find a knowledgeable, caring staff that is ready to serve you with loving hearts, caring hands, and dedication to your life.
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The Delhi Healthcare Team is here to help you live your healthiest life.
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Welcome Dr. Joseph Enriquez back to Delhi and celebrate his dedication to the health of our community. To schedule an appointment, please call 318-878-3737.
Please welcome board certified pulmonologist, Dr. David Halinski, to the Delhi Rural Health Clinic. To schedule an appointment, please call 318-878-6409.
Featured Services
Quality Healthcare Close-to-Home
Delhi Hospital provides close-to-home healthcare for the entire family.
From everyday wellness to life-saving diagnostic services, we put our patients first.
Delhi Hospital & Clinics
Our Services
Click below to learn more about the services offered at Delhi Hospital.
Hepatitis C Clinic
Our Liver Disease Team can help you begin your path to a cure, right from the comfort of your own home via Telemedicine.
Diabetes Management
From nutrition advice to weekly support groups, our accredited Diabetes Program can help you successfully manage your diabetes.
Cardiac Rehab
Recovering from a heart surgery or heart attack? Our Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation Program has the tools to help you have a healthy heart for life.