Delhi Hospital is pleased to be able to offer 3D Mammograms at no cost to women that are uninsured or underinsured in Northeast Louisiana. Funding for this service is provided through a grant from Susan G. Komen Louisiana.
Women who are at least 40 years old (or are younger and have a family history), who are uninsured or underinsured, and have a referral from their doctor.
In the event that your mammogram results are abnormal, we will also provide you with a diagnostic screening, at no cost to you.
Transportation is available to all patients upon request. If a patient is in need of transportation, please notify an employee when scheduling and we will arrange for the patient’s transportation.
Learn what Breast Cancer is and all about symptoms, risk factors, mammograms, diagnosis, and treatment options.
Call our Project Pink Coordinator, Whitney Hutto, at 318-878-6459 to schedule your patient’s appointment.
Fax the patient’s demographic sheet and a signed order to 318-878-4749, attn: Whitney.
The patient will present to admissions and sign the appropriate forms. She will then receive a mammogram and/or ultrasound.
The Radiology Team will fax the results of the Mammogram and/or Ultrasound to the patient’s provider.