Patient Pricing

Price Transparency

Patient Pricing & Information

At Delhi Hospital & Clinics, we’re committed to helping patients and their families make informed decisions about every aspect of their care. This commitment includes providing information and resources, such as financial assistance and counselors, related to the potential cost of treatment at our facilities.

Transparency Act/MRF

Access to Machine-Readable Files (MRF) provides consumers, employers, researchers, and third-party developers with detailed pricing information for all covered items and negotiated rates among in-network providers and out of network claim data.

View MRF

Standard Charges

To improve price transparency, all U.S. hospitals and health systems are required to provide lists of standard hospital charges ― also called a chargemaster ― so patients can compare prices across hospitals.

Learn More

Price Transparency

Patient Payment Estimator

The Price Estimator Tool from Delhi Hospital & Clinics allows you to obtain an out-of-pocket cost estimate for selected services and/or items, providing additional information regarding average procedure charges and other details.

Calculate Your Out-of-Pocket Cost

Price Transparency

TXT file



Contact: Mildred Greer E-mail:

Understanding Standard Charges

The charges hospitals are required to post on this list may not reflect what you will actually pay. Your doctor and care team will determine what services and treatments are necessary. Your individual out-of-pocket costs will be impacted by insurance plan coverage, co-pays and deductibles, if any, as well as by the wide range of services provided and other variables that affect costs – so our list should not be used to estimate the actual final cost you will incur.

Good Faith Effort

To the best of its knowledge and belief, Delhi Hospitall has included all applicable standard charge information in accordance with the requirements of 45 CFR 180.50, and the information encoded is true, accurate, and complete as of the date indicated. Most recent update: February 2024


Frequently Asked Questions

  • These lists are extremely confusing. How do we make sense of them?
  • Is this what I will actually be charged if I come to Delhi Hospital & Clinics?
  • What is the new CMS regulation, and what it does require?
  • Has Delhi Hospital & Clinics complied with the regulations?
  • Do you provide Financial Assistance?
These lists are extremely confusing. How do we make sense of them?
Is this what I will actually be charged if I come to Delhi Hospital & Clinics?
What is the new CMS regulation, and what it does require?
Has Delhi Hospital & Clinics complied with the regulations?
Do you provide Financial Assistance?

Charges by Type of Patient Group

All hospitals and health systems also are required to provide a listing of average charges by types of patient groups, referred to as MS-DRGs (Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Groups). Patients can view similar listings posted by different hospitals, which provide a more direct comparison of charges than the standard charges in the chargemaster. Click below to view the list of average charges by type of patient group (MS-DRGs)( 10/2/2021).

Charges by Type of Patient Group

Shoppable Services Prices

All hospitals and health systems also are required to post a list of at least 300 Shoppable Services along with the corresponding prices for each of those services. Each of these Shoppable Services includes the following amounts: Gross Charge, Discounted Cash Price, Payer-Specific Negotiated Charges, De-Identified Minimum Negotiated Charge, and De-Identified Maximum Negotiated Charge. As with the list of standard hospital charges discussed above, the prices on the primary care procedures list represent the standard amount for each service prior to insurance contract/benefit plan discounts or self-pay discounts being applied. What a patient actually pays will depend on their unique benefit plan terms. Click below to view the Shoppable Services Available at Delhi Hospital and Rural Health Clinic( 10/2/2021).

Shoppable Services Prices




407 Cincinnati Street
Delhi, LA 71232

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