Thank you Dr. Grandon for 20+ years!

Best Wishes to Dr. Grandon!
It is with much regret to announce that as of December 31, 2021, Paul W. Grandon, M.D.. will be leaving Delhi Hospital and the Delhi Community Health Center and moving to Hawaii to join his family who live there. Delhi Hospital and the DCHC would like to thank Dr. Grandon for his many years of service to our community and wish him all the best during his transition.
If you are a patient of Dr. Grandon’s, we hope that you will continue to receive care from the Delhi Hospital and clinics. Whenever you are in need of family medical care, you may make an appointment with any of the other clinicians here at the Delhi Hospital clinics, either the Delhi Community Health Center or the Delhi Rural Health Clinic. If you would like to make an appointment with one of the other Delhi Hospital/DCHC/DRHC clinicians, please call 318-878-6650 for the Delhi Community Health Center or 318-878-3737 for the Delhi Rural Health Clinic.
For urgent care between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., you may call or visit either the DCHC or the RHC for a walk-in appointment. On Saturdays, between 8 a.m. and 2 p.m., you may visit our walk-in clinic at the Rural Health Clinic.
If you need emergency care, please go directly to a hospital emergency room. The Delhi Hospital Emergency Room is located at 407 Cincinnati Street, Delhi, Louisiana 71232 and can be reached by phone at (318) 878-5171.
If you would like for Delhi Hospital or the Delhi Community Health Center to arrange to have your care transferred to another specific Delhi Hospital Clinic provider or to forward your medical records to Dr. Grandon or any other physician, please call Delhi Community Health Center at 318-878-6650 or come by our office at 501 Broadway Street in Delhi. If you already have an appointment scheduled after December 31, 2021, we will automatically assign you to another provider unless we hear otherwise from you, and you may keep your regularly scheduled appointment at the DCHC.
Thank you for choosing Delhi Hospital & Clinics for your care!